Vocabularies for daily activities

Ini gan kosakata tentang kesehariannya orang indonesia. Jika kalian dapat tugas tuk mengarang tentang daily activities kosakata ini sangat membantu

Cobalah anda membuat tulisan tentang aktivitas sehari hari di kotak komment pada postingan ini dengan menggunakan kosa kata dibawah ini minimal 25 aktivitas dan gunakan proposition "at, in, on" beserta connecting word "then, after, after that, so etc"

Accompany             : menemani
After that            : setelah itu
Argue with someone    : berargumen dengan seseorang
Around                : keliling
Arrange the pillow    : menyusun bantal
Arrives               : tiba
Ask permission        : meminta izin
Attend                : menghadiri
Bring the purchase    : membawakan barang belanjaan
Brush teeth           : menggosok gigi
Buy daily needs       : membeli kebutuhan sehari-hari
Calls                 : memanggil
Chat                  : ngobrol
Clean the dishes      : membersihkan piring kotor
Comb hair             : menyisir rambut
Come home             : pulang
Cook the soup         : memasak soup
Cycling               : bersepeda
Do gardening          : berkebun
Do Homework           : mengerjakan PR
Do jogging            : jogging
Do the housework      : melakukan pekerjaan rumah
Do                    : melakukan
Download music        : mengunggah music
Drink milk            : meminum susu baju
Dry the clothes       : menjemur
Duty                  : tugas
Enter the class       : masuk kelas
Exercise              : berolahraga
Explain               : menjelaskan
Fold the blanket      : melipat selimut
Follow                : mengikuti
Get dressed           : berpakaian
Get up                : bangun dari tempat tidur
Give a glass of milk  : memberikan segelas susu
Go out                : pergi (keluar)
Go outside            : keluar rumah
Go shopping           : berbelanja
Go to bed             : tidur
Go to campus          : pergi ke kampus
Greet to lecturer     : memberi salam ke pada dosen
Hang the clothes      : mengantungkan pakaian
Have a breakfast      : sarapan pagi
Have a conversation   : berbincang-bincang
Have breakfast       : sarapan
Have dinner           : makan malam
Have lunch            : makan siang
Have someone to       : menyuruh seseorang untuk
Help mother           : menolong ibu
House work            : pekerjaan rumah tangga
Iron                  : Menyetrika
Kill the leisure time : mengisi waktu luang
Leave for             : berangkat dari
Line up               : berbaris / Antri
Listen to the music   : mendengarkan music
Look in the mirror    : bercermin
Make a breakfast      : membuat sarapan
Mop                   : mengepel
Often                 : sering
Once                  : sekali
Open page             : membuka halaman
Open the window       : membuka jendela
Peel the onion        : mengupas bawang
Phone someone         : menelpon seseorang
Plant the flower      : menanam bunga
Play with laptop      : main laptop
Pray to god           : berdoa kepada tuhan
Pray                  : sholat
Prepare motorcycle    : menyiapkan motor
Prepare the lunch     : menyiapakan makan siang
Prepare to go to campus: bersiap ke sekolah
Push up               : push up
Read newspaper        : membaca koran
Recharge the battery  : mengecas batrey
Recite Holy Qur'an    : Mengaji Al-Qur'an
Register              : mendaftar
Repair                : memperbaiki
See the cinema        : pergi ke bioskop
Seldom                : jarang
Sew vegetable         : memetong sayuran
Shake hands           : bersalaman
Shopping              : Belanja
Sing                  : bernyanyi
Sit up                : sit up
Sit                   : duduk
Skimp the money       : menghemat uang
Sleep                 : tidur
Spend                 : menghabiskan
Stay at home          : tinggal di rumah
Stay up               : begadang
Study                 : belajar
Submit the homework   : mengumppulkan PR
Surf on Internet      : menjelajah internet
Sweep the floor       : menyapu lantai
Sweep                 : menyapu
Take a bath           : mandi
Take a nap            : tidur siang
Take a rest           : beristirahat
Take a walk           : Jalan jalan
Take course           : kursus
Take ritual ablution  : wudhu
Then                  : kemudian
Tidy up               : merapikan
Turn off the lamp     : mematikan lampu
Turn on the lamp      : menghidupkan lampu
Twice                 : dua kali
Use shoes             : memakai sepatu
Usually               : biasanya
Visit someone         : mengunjungi seseorang
Waiting for the lecturer  :  menunggu guru
Wake up               : bangun
Wash clothes          : mencuci baju
Wash motor cycle      : mencuci motor
Watch movie           : menonton film
Watch TV              : menonton TV
Water the flower      : menyirami bunga
Weekend               : akhir ini
Worship               : beribadah
Write the explanation : menulis penjelasan
Update status         : Update status
Give comment          : memberikan komentar

15 komentar:

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Name : Budi Santoso
Student Number: 08453677629
Class : 2B / Pre-Intermediate English Grammar

Every Monday I gets up at 4.00. then I go to the bathroom and have a shower. After that I take ritual ablution, pray shubuh, recite Holly Qur'an. After reciting Holly Qur'an, I help my mother preparing breakfast. We always have breakfast together at six o'clock in the morning. We usually eat bread and drink a glass of milk. Then I ask permission to my parents because I want to go to campus

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Kurniawan Dwi Hartarto
Student Number : 1501121048
Class : 2C / Pre-Intermediate English Grammar

Everyday my sister usually woke up at 6.00. Then she didn’t immediately take shower but she cleaning the dishes and washing clotes first. She has a shower about 7.00 after that she goes to her room to get dressed and prepared for our breakfast. After breakfast she goes to backyard to dry the clotes. She spend her time before go to campus with lying on the bed, watching movie and play a game on her phone. When time shows 2.30 she take shower and prepare for go to campus to attend her college.
She started college at 3.00 until after isya prays or about 7.30. Then she go buy some food for our dinner. Arriving at home, we have dinner directly. After that usually she do her homework or watch some movie on her laptop. Once if she get bored waching movie or done with her homework she ask me to buy some snack. Then she continue watching movie while eating some snack, she’s accustomed to staying up to watch a movie especially Bollywood movie. She watch movie until 11.30 then she ask me to chat about our parents. We chatting until 12.00 and finally she goes to bed about 12.00 of sometimes she sleep about 1.00.
I think that’s all that I cann tell about my sister daily routine.

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Anis Wahdati
Student Number : 1501121055
Class : 2C/ Pre-Intermediate English Grammar
I want to tell you about my father’s daily activites. Every morning, usually my father gets up at 04.00. Then he goes to bathroom and has a shower. Afterthat he ready to the mosque and teach of “kitab kuning”.
He back to home at 06.30. he has breakfast with his family. He leaves home at 08.00 and he goes to Islamic School to teach Fiqh. He goes to home at 10.30 and watch a boxing at 10.45. Afterthat he goes to bathroom and take ablution. Then he does juhur prayer. After prayer, he goes to the kitchen for lunch with hiswife.
After lunch, he ready to go to mosque for resitation. He explain about problem of Fiqh. Then, he goes to other resitation at 03.30. He back to home at 05.15. He goes to bathroom and has a shower. Afterthat, he goes to mosque to maghrib and Isya prayer.
He arrives in home at 07.15. He goes to the kitchen to have dinner with his family. Afterthat,he goes to resitation boy at 07.30. Then back to home at 10.30.
He play game on his gadget and watch TV. Then, he study about “kitab kuning”, Fiqh, Law of Fiqh, and training of speech. Finally, he goes to bed at about 01.00.

Unknown mengatakan...

Name: hasanah
Student number: 1501121033

Everyday my brother usually woke up at 04:00 am after that he take a shower. After that hr subuh pary . after that playing game DOTA. While wait have breakfast. After have a breakfast ready at 07:00 am. We have a breakfast together and at 08:00 am. He getting ready to drive me go to campus. After drive me. He go to a friend.s hause for worked duty. At 11:00 am he come to home and getting ready for zuhur pray, after that he playing game again. All the time continuously playing game and after that he sleep at 12.00 p.m

That.s what i know about my brother routines.

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Unknown mengatakan...
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Name: Noorlaila Hayani
Student number: 1501121018
Class: 2C/Pre-Intermediate English Grammar
Every day my young sister gets up at 05.00. Then she takes a bath. After that she goes to the kichen and has breakfast togehter with us. He has fried rice and a glass of milk or tea. He goes to school at 06.30 by motorcycle. Then, she arrives at school at 07.00. She studies from 07.00 to 01.30. For lunch she has fried noodle and a glass of ice in the canteen. After school she goes to home for changes her clothes. After that, at 02.30 she goes to school for scout. And then at 04.30 she goes to home and takes a bath. He has dinner at 07.00 or 08.00. After dinner, she watches tv or reads novel or does her homework in her bed rooms. Finally, at 10.00 she goes to bed.

YuliaQ mengatakan...

name : yuliatul qusna
student number :1501121021
class : 2c /pre -intermediate english grammar

Everyday my old sister get up at 5.00 a.m. Then she clean the dishes, wash the clothes, and sweep the floor. After that she go to bathroom and take a bath. She get dressed. After get dressed, she go to backyard to dry the clothes. Then she go to kitchen for make a breakfast and have breakfast with her small family.
She leave for home at 7.30 a.m. and she go to office. She arrive at office at 08.00 a.m. She work from 8.15 a.m to 5.00 p.m. After work, she come home and take a bath. She have dinner at 7.00 p.m. After dinner she watch tv and take a rest. Finally, she go to bed at 9.00 p.m.

YuliaQ mengatakan...
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Name : Maulida
Student Number : 1501121015
Class : 2C / Pre-intermadiate english grammar

Every monday my mother gets up at 04:00. She is goes to the bathroom and take a bathe and take a ablution. After that she is goes to room to subuh prayer. After that shi is goes to the kitchen to make a breakfast. After that she si build up me and my brother to subuh prayer and go to school. After that at 06:00 she is oerder me,father and my brother to breakfast. After breakfast my mother wash clothes, the clean’s house and water the flower. After that at 09:00 she is go to market to buy vegetable and buy daily needs. After that she is back to home and she is goes to the kitchen to make a lunch. After that she is wait me and my brothe back to home and lunch together. After that at 01:00 we are go to room to zuhur prayer and after that we are watch TV. After wathch TV at 03:00 AM she is goes to bathroom and take a bath after take a bath and take ablution she is goes to room to ashar prayer. At 06:00 she is magrib prayer and after that she is goo to kichen to make a dinner and after that she is go to room to isya prayer. And than at 07:300 PM we are take a dinner and we are wach TV. And than at 09:30 she is sleep.

Aya mengatakan...

Name : Maulia Emelda
Student number : 150 112 1059
Class : 2C/ pre-intermediate english grammar
Everyday my sister woke up at 6 a.m and she goes take a bath. Next,she cooking for breakfast and doing housework exampe mop,sweep,and washing clothes. After that,she prepare to going to campus by motorcyle and with her friend. Then,she enter the class and study in the class. She is always silent in everywhere and kind girl. Usually after she going to campus,she back to home and take a nap after have lunch. She get up at 3 p.m and take a bath and taking a walk if she want to go outside. After that, she cooking for dinner and she watching tv with me. She always first going to sleep and I always stay up late. Finally she woke up in the morning and do the same daily activities.
Everyday my sister woke up at 6 a.m and she goes take a bath. Next,she cooking for breakfast and doing housework example mop,sweep,and washing clothes. After that,she prepare to going to campus by motorcyle and with her friend. Then,she enter the class and study in the class. She is always silent in everywhere and kind girl. Usually after she going to campus,she back to home and take a nap after have lunch. She get up at 3 p.m and take a bath and taking a walk if she want to go outside. After that, she cooking for dinner and she watching tv with me. She always first going to sleep and I always stay up late. Finally she woke up in the morning and do the same daily activities.

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Name : Alia Muslimah
Student number: 1501121034
Class: 2c / Pre-Intermediate English Grammar

Every Sunday, my mother usually wakes up early at 3 o’clock. Then, she goes to bathroom and takes a bath. After that, she gets a dressed and she wears prayer veil to praying Shubuh. She goes to the kitchen to wash dishes and prepare for a breakfast to her family. After breakfast, she sweeps the floor and cleans the house. Then, she washes and dries the clothes after she opens the small store. She leaves home at 8.00 and she goes to market by water taxi. She arrives in market to buy daily needs. After shopping, she has someone to bring the purchase and takes a walk around the market. Then, she goes home and does her homework. He has lunch with us at 13.00. After lunch, she takes a rest while watches the television. In afternoon, she chats with her friends while waits the small store. She saws vegetables and cooks the rice for dinner. After dinner, she recites holy Qur’an and gets other worship before goes to bedroom. Then, she brushes her teeth and takes ablution. Finally, she arranges the pillow and goes to sleep.
That’s all my mother daily activities; I think just it I can tell you. Because, I don’t know more about my mother activities after I go sleep. Thank you for attention and give me opportunity until I can write this article activity. Good luck for other students…!!!!

Unknown mengatakan...

Name : Indriani
Student number : 1501121065
class : 2C/Pre-intermediate English Grammar

Daily routinity my sister
Mly sister a beautiful girl. She is very kind and smart. Usually she over sleep if wekeend, but she never forget help her mother. Every sunday she has scout training in elementary school.
Every sunday my sister gets up at 6.00 a.m. Then she cleaned the bedroom and has a home. After that she goes to the kitchen and help her mother for cook. After cook she goes to the bathroom and has a shower. After take a shower she has breakfast with her family. she has drink a cup of milk and eaten fried rice. Then she prepare for goes to school. She leaves home at 9.00 a. m. and she goes to by motorcycle.
She arrives at school at 9.15 a.m. She has scout training from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. For lunch she has back to home. After she arrives in home she lunch with her family. Then she has take a rest and watches tv until afternoon. After take a rest she has help her mother for cook to dinner. Then she has goes to the bathroom and has a shower. After take a shower she has maghrib prayer in congregation with her family. Then she has dinner at 6.30 a.m.
After dinner she has watches tv with family and wait time for isya. After isya prayer she has watches tv again until 8.00 p.m. After that she goes to the bedroom and does to homework until at 9.45 p.m. Finally, she has sleept at about 10.00 p.m.
That is daily toutinity my sister
Thank you

YuliaQ mengatakan...

Name : Shella Aprilia
Student Number : 1501121058
Class : 2 C / Pre-Intermedia English Grammar

I have a friend. Her name is Yuniar A. R.
Everyday except Saturday and sunday, she gets up at 3.30 a.m. Then she goes to the bathroom and take a bath. After that she goes to the mosque. After that she back to dormitory at 6.00 a.m. and has cook rice. Then she wash clothes. After that she cook noodle and has breakfast with her friend.
She leaves dormitory at 8.45 a.m. and she goes to campus. She arrives at campus at 8.55 a.m. She studies from 9.00 a.m to 4.40 p.m. After that she back to dormitory. Then she goes to the bathroom and take a bath. After that she goes to the mosque. She has dinner at 7.30 p.m. After dinner she is follow the activity in dormitory. After that she does her homework at 10.00 p.m. Finally, she goes to bad at about 11.50 p.m.

Aya mengatakan...

Name : Noer Zalida Putri
Student number : 1501121017
Everyday my friend gets up at 6 am. She is a diligent girl. She arranges the pillows and fold the blanket. Next she cleans the dishes and take a shower. After that she invites us to make breakfast together, I peel the union and sew vegetables, and she prepare to cook.
After we take a breakfast, she comb her hair, dry her clothes, and prepare her motorcycle because she wanna go to campus.
In the afternoon, my friends send me a BBM and she tells about our daily needs not enough and we should buy it again. Then we go to shopping to buy our daily needs. Next we are watching a popular movie in the cinema.
We are so tired, and we go back to home at 9 pm and go to the bed. Before she sleeps, she makes an alarm at 3 am because she wanna plant a flowers and do gardening.

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