Latihan menyusun Noun Phrase dengan menggunakan adjective order

Pilihlah noun phrase mana yang mengikuti kaidah adjective order

1. Which is the correct order?

a small Canadian thin lady

a Canadian small thin lady

a small thin Canadian lady

a thin small Canadian lady

2. Which is the correct order?              

a carving steel new knife

a new steel carving knife

a steel new carving knife

a new carving steel knife
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3. Which is the correct order?

a beautiful blue sailing boat

a blue beautiful sailing boat

a sailing beautiful blue boat

a blue sailing beautiful boat

4. Which is the correct order?

an old wooden square table

a square wooden old table

an old square wooden table

a wooden old square table

5. Which is the correct order?

an new French exciting band

a French new exciting band

an exciting French new band

an exciting new French band

6. Which is the correct order?

a red big plastic hat

a big red plastic hat

a plastic big red hat

a big plastic red hat

7. Which is the correct order?

a small Japanese serving bowl

a Japanese small serving bowl

a small serving Japanese bowl

a serving small Japanese bowl

8. Which is the correct order?

a cotton dirty old tie

a dirty cotton old tie

an old cotton dirty tie

a dirty old cotton tie

9. Which is the correct order?
She is a little European blond woman
She is a European little blond woman
She is a little blond European woman
She is a blond little European woman

10. Which is the correct order?
He is a mean old American man
He is an old mean American man
He is an American mean old man
He is an old American mean man

11. Which is the correct order?
They are some hunting fancy new rifles
They are some new fancy hunting rifles
They are some fancy new hunting rifles
They are some new hunting fancy rifles

12. Which is the correct order?
It is a modern wooden rocking chair
It is a rocking wooden modern chair
It is a modern rocking wooden chair
It is a wooden modern rocking chair

13. Which is the correct order?
She is a young loud beautiful girl
She is a loud beautiful young girl
She is a loud young beautiful girl
She is a beautiful loud young girl

14. Which is the correct order?
He is a handsome funny Colombian boy
He is a funny handsome Colombian boy
He is a Colombian handsome funny boy
He is a funny Colombian handsome boy

15. Which is the correct order?
They are some drawing steel new pens
They are some new steel drawing pens
They are some steel new drawing pens
They are some new drawing steel pens

16. Which is the correct order?
It is an old black & white square tv
It is a square black & white old tv
It is an old square black & white tv
It is a black & white old square tv

17. Which is the correct order?
Those are black old simple phones
Those are old black simple phones
Those are simple black old phones
Those are simple old black phones

18. Which is the correct order?
These are round chubby cute dog
These are cute chubby round dog
These are chubby cute round dog
These are round cute chubby dog

19. Which is the correct order?
This is my classic short silver pistol
This is my short silver classic pistol
This is my silver short classic pistol
This is my classic short silver pistol

20. Which is the correct order?
That is her ugly new skinny boyfriend
That is her new ugly skinny boyfriend
That is her skinny new ugly boyfriend
That is her new skinny ugly boyfriend

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