Contoh lengkap Question Words Pada Simple Present Tense Kalimat Nominal

a.       WH-Question pada Simple Present Kalimat Nominal
Question Words + tobe (am, is, are) + ………

What: Apa, Apakah, siapa,
Siapa namamu?
What is your name?
Apakah gunanya itu?
What is it for?
What time: Jam berapa
Jam berapa sekarang?
What time is it?
When: Kapan
Kapan kamu disini?
When are you here?
Kapan dia disana?
When is she there?
Who: Siapa
Siapa kamu?
Who are you?
Siapa dia?
Who is he?
Siapa guru mu?
Who is your teacher?
How old: Menanyakan umur
Umur berapa kamu?
How old are you?
How far: Menanyakakan jarak
Seberapa jauh perguruan tinggi dari sini?
How far is the college from here?
How deep: Berapa dalam
Berapa dalam laut itu?
How deep is that sea?
How wide :Berapa lebar
Berapa lebar jalan itu?
How wide is that street?
How tall/ high: Berapa tinggi
Berapa tingginya pohon itu?
How tall is that tree?
How many: Berapa banyak
Berapa banyak mobil kepunyaanmu?
How many cars are yours?
How much: Berapa banyak tetapi tidak bisa dihitung
Berapa banyak air dicangkir?
How much water is in the cup?
Whose: Siapa (Menanyakan kepemilikan)
Buku siapa ini?
Whose book is this?
Ibunya siapa yang seorang guru?
Whose mother is a teacher?
Which: Yang mana
Cewek mana yang cantik, bermata hitam atau biru?
Which girl is a beautiful, black eyes or blue eyes?
Buku mana milikmu?
Which book is yours?
Where: Dimana
Dimana kamu?
Where are you?
Dimana dia?
Where is she?
Dimana mobilku?
Where is my car?

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